In light of the Gospel for this Sunday, aren’t we tempted to try and have economic power, all the wealth we need, or think we need, so we can be “comfortable”? Aren’t we tempted at times to stray from the path of the gospel so our financial situations will be enhanced? Society says the fittest, the strongest, the boldest advance and survive. How about our care for the frailest, the weakest, the meekest? Are we called to care for them? Aren’t we tempted to think that because we do not get what we want, that God is not taking care of us, and God is unconcerned about us, and we are better off without God at all? How often do we blame God for whatever bad happens to us?

We are called, each one of us, to follow Jesus. We can begin to embrace the call for fasting by taking up charitable habits that are directed at caring for others, lifting up our brothers and sisters by giving alms, and praying for all those in need. Pope Francis tells us, “ In the poor and outcast we see Christ’s face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ.” May your Lent be prayerful and lead to conversion.
