This Saturday morning, November 18, almost 90 of our young parishioners were confirmed at Saint Joseph Cathedral in Hartford. They celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with our present Archbishop Leonard Blair, and our next Archbishop Christopher Coyne. Congratulation to these newly confirmed, and may the Holy Spirit lead them to many good things in service to God and others.

As we all approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I offer some reasons to be thankful this year:

  • First, expressing gratitude is good for us. Counting our blessings helps us to focus on what is good, helps us sleep better, and puts God in the right place in our lives.

  • Second, be thankful for where you are able to live. So many struggle with homelessness, and have no security about where they will live day to day. If you have a home, be thankful.

  • Third, friends and family bring meaning to our lives. Whether with your biological family or your family of choice, sharing a meal together is one of the most sacred things we can do. Let God be part of what you celebrate.

  • Fourth, maybe not for all, but all of us can appreciate the creatures God puts in our lives, and be thankful for them. Your dog, your cat, whatever your companion, be thankful for the gentle reminder of God’s unconditional love.

  • Fifth, be thankful for the health you have, whatever shape you are in. Maybe you can run a marathon, maybe you can just go up three steps. But you can do it. Thank God for the health you have.

  • Sixth, be thankful for the food. Holidays bring out special foods and traditions of food. Be thankful for the food you have each day, and the gift it is in your life.

  • Seventh, be thankful for time to rest. We all need time…..time to step out, time to refocus, time to let God speak to our hearts. Don’t discount the value of a good nap.

  • Eighth, be thankful for the beauty around us. Last night I watched a meteor shower, not by plan, but by accident. It was magnificent. God reaches out to us through nature in so many ways each and every day. Take time to notice.

  • Ninth, be thankful for the gift of yourself. God cared enough to bring you into His marvelous creation, take time to be thankful that you are you.

To be a top ten list, we need a tenth thing to be thankful for. That is your task, to decide what you are thankful for. Let me know what it is you are thankful for. Email me, or drop a note. Maybe a future column can be a compilation of the many things we are all thankful for.
