We find ourselves traveling with Jesus, into Jerusalem, for his final days and hours. We should all be pondering what it is we anticipate celebrating, especially this year. Jesus, fully human and fully God, offers himself totally for us, so His sacrifice frees us from sin and death, so we can access eternal life. What a gift He gives to us, what a gift for us to appreciate, what a gift to treasure. Please join us this week, in some part of the celebration of this Holy Week, as is outlined in the bulletin for us all this issue.
As we heard this past week, Jesus forgives the sinner, no matter what the sin, and this obviously extends to all of us. May we all celebrate this truth, may we all live this truth, may we all embody this truth, that; Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, dies no more. We can live free from sin and death because of the cross and the resurrection. May we accept our own crosses with humility, and may we focus on the joy that life lived in the Risen Lord can bring.
Come and pray with us, come and worship with us, come and celebrate with this community the truth that He is risen, and our joy may be complete. God bless you all.