The Latin phrase is Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi. With apologies to the Latin scholars, it loosely means, the way we pray is the way we believe. As we celebrate the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, it is good to reflect on how we pray and worship, and how that marks us as the Catholics we say that we are.

We celebrate Eucharist together, gathered as a community, because in the context of that gathering, Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, is present. He is present in the Word proclaimed, He is present in the bread and wine transformed, He is present in the community gathered in His name. As more and more are comfortable returning to worship in person, I hear from many, “I missed this so much”.

We all need to acknowledge that we need to be fed at the Lord’s Table, that His presence strengthens us and sustains us in all of life’s trials. His gift to us of His abiding presence should bring us all to affirm that worshiping Him as the one true King, as the one who guides our lives and provides all we need, should bring us comfort, not fear. Let us all determine to make a concerted effort to be part of our Eucharistic celebrations, gathered with all in our community, worshiping the Risen Lord and Savior. We cannot hope to be brought to our eternal salvation unless we surrender ourselves to Him.

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, may our gratitude for our many blessings be properly grounded in the gifts that flow from Christ the King.
