Several items to mention by way of news in the parish. Neighbors of the Christ the Redeemer property may notice parish workers on the property, and cosmetic landscaping work being done. The goal is to make the property visually attractive, and easier to maintain on an ongoing basis. Outdoor lighting has been serviced and upgraded, and shrubbery and trees removed and trimmed to enhance safety. None of the work being done indicates any decisions have been made about the property. A committee made up of predominately former members of Christ the Redeemer parish will begin meeting in November to assess all options for the property and make recommendations to the pastor. We will keep you all informed.

There have been several funeral services held at the Christ the Redeemer parish since the merger, and families can request to have baptisms and weddings there as well. Contact Deacon John to make arrangements. Speaking of communication, there was a significant and lengthy outage of the Archdiocesan email, and several weeks’ worth of emails were left unretrievable. Please use to contact Deacon John. Sorry for any missed emails. As always, you can call the office at 203-878-3571, and messages will get to the contact you need.

May God bless you all in this change of season and may the colors of fall remind us of all of the wonder and awesomeness of our loving God, the author of the beauty of nature that surrounds us.
