Mid October finds many of us struggling to find the normal in our lives. If we look to our parish, we can find some examples of normal beginning again. Groups of young parishioners are making their First Holy Communion, over the course of several weeks. Yes, all have masks on, attendance is limited, but access to Jesus in the Sacrament of Eucharist is what is most important. This is the normal all of us as Catholics long for.

A number of different groups of parishioners are being confirmed this month. Archbishop Blair has granted permission to our pastor to confer the sacrament of Confirmation. And well over 100 will be confirmed. Yes, the look is very different, but the Holy Spirit is present, and touches the lives of all who are present. This is the normal all of us as Catholics long for.

Many families are having their children baptized at one of our two churches. We are on pace to have one hundred baptisms this year. One family at a time, and yes, this looks different as well, but families are being drawn to connect again as a family. They are connecting to the source of life as Christians, the living waters of Baptism, Jesus Christ himself.

Our school is open. Saint Mary School is open five days a week, from preschool through eighth grade. Our teachers and staff have adapted, our students are happy to be together. They begin and end each day with prayer. It all looks different, but provides a normal we all can appreciate.

Looking for normal in your own life? Here are some suggestions: First, set aside regular time for prayer. Spend time in conversation with God, especially taking time to listen to what God is saying to you. God will speak to you in the quiet of your heart if you take the time and have the quiet moments to listen. Second, find an opportunity to worship. Maybe just a daily Mass, or a Sunday Mass. Worshipping together is one of the most normal things we do. In Eucharist our hearts are joined to Jesus, offering himself again and again for each one of us. Third, connect with friends and family. If you are wondering how they are doing with all this, maybe they are wondering how you are as well. That connection can help to remind you of what is normal in your life.

Be grateful. Here at Precious Blood Parish we are grateful for all of you who pray for us, and for all of you who support us financially. God’s work continues in small ways and large ways. Please know that all of you are held in our prayers as a parish family each day. God Bless.
