On this Labor Day weekend, we are grateful for all those who work, especially for those who work to keep us safe, to heal our hurts, to teach our children, and provide us with food. The dignity of all who work is to be honored, and we all should offer a prayer of thanksgiving for all who work to our benefit. Happy Labor Day.

This Labor Day morning Mass will be at 9:00 AM at both Saint Mary and Saint Agnes churches. There will be no confessions Monday evening at Saint Mary to observe the holiday.

We continue to appreciate those who join us for Mass, funerals, baptisms, and weddings. We thank you for helping us to do all these safely, and your cooperation by wearing masks, sitting socially distant, and not congregating inside make this possible. We will keep you informed concerning when other activities may be returning.

Groups that wish to meet should contact Deacon John at the rectory to discuss how this can be done. In a nutshell, indoor meetings are limited to 25 persons, all must be masked and socially distant. No food and drink are allowed at meetings, which we know is disappointing to some, but necessary to maintain the safety of all. School cleaning protocols do not allow for any outside group to use the school or preschool buildings currently.

A reminder about Anointing of the Sick: we can arrange for a family member to be anointed at the hospital or nursing home, but the request must come from the family to the hospital or nursing home, then the hospital or nursing home contact us to arrange for a visit by a priest. The priest cannot call the hospital or just “show up” to anoint someone. Do not hesitate to advocate for a family member to be anointed, knowing that your request will be honored if timely and possible.

We again thank those who have contributed to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, and those who may choose to support the mission appeal this weekend at Saint Mary Church, and September 19 and 20 at Saint Agnes Church. Our mission appeal homilist is Father Sam, and the proceeds of the appeal will benefit his diocese in Kerala. The generosity of you, our parishioners, is commendable and we are grateful each and every day.

God bless you all.
