On Monday, June 8, we are beginning public Masses again here at Precious Blood Parish. Following the guidelines from the Archbishop and his advisors, there will be daily Mass only to begin, and each Mass will be limited to 50 or fewer persons. This is a safe and prudent way to begin, and is new for all of us, so we ask your patience. Some reminders and points of emphasis may be helpful.

Places in each church are clearly marked off, so no one will be seated too close to another. If you come from the same household, you are welcome to sit together. Items that are handled, like hymnals and missals, will not be in the pews. If you wish to bring your own missal, or follow Mass electronically on your phone, that is fine. The church will be cleaned before you arrive, and after you leave. We ask that gloves are not worn to receive communion, but masks must be worn at all times. If you are going to communion you will remove the mask immediately before you receive, and then put the mask back on immediately after.

On any given weekend, before the Covid 19 pandemic, we have 2,000 or so parishioners who worship with us, so doing 50 at a time will be a challenge. We recognize you are all adults, and capable of making good choices. The guidelines from the Archdiocese say the following: “Who Shoudn’t Come - the elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, those who are fearful or anxious, and those who are taking care of a sick or home-bound person.”

Each of you have to make your own decision as to whether or not you should be present at Mass. We will insist on no more than 50, and all wearing masks, but cannot make your personal decision for you. As seating is limited for each Mass, we encourage those who may have been regular daily Mass attendees to consider just one or two days a week, not every day. If you see the attendance is too much, please be the one who chooses to leave and come another day and relieve us of the burden to be the door monitors.

Adult Catholics should be the ones marked by their selfless behavior, and we beg for your understanding. None are more concerned about your access to the Eucharist than your clergy here at Precious Blood Parish. Your cooperation with this gradual return to worship as we know it will hasten the process along. Please pray with all of us for a resolution to this crisis, please pray with all of us for continued patience. We thank all who have been praying with us, and thank all who have continued to support us, especially financially. 

Be assured you are all in the prayers of the clergy of Precious Blood Parish each and every day.
