Good news and sad news, all at once. Father Deny Varghese, our parochial vicar, has been asked by his bishop in Kerala, India, to undertake advanced studies in Rome. This is a great honor for Father Deny, but also means a great loss for us here at Precious Blood Parish. He will be leaving us in mid-June, and so to afford him and us proper goodbyes, there will be a reception for him on Sunday, June 16, 2019, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Father Callahan Hall at Saint Agnes Church. We know Father Deny will do great things from here, but that does not diminish the impact he has had on so many in our parish.
Once Father Deny is settled in his new residence, we will provide his address for those who wish to keep in touch. We will all certainly continue to support him with our prayers. Please join us June 16 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM if you are able, and see this as an opportunity to express your appreciation for all Father Deny has meant to us, and wish him well in his future endeavors.
The rededication of Mary’s Garden, scheduled for June 16 at Saint Mary Church campus, will be postponed to a later date.
A practical item for your consideration: Our hymnals in both churches are showing wear. Some is understandable, some is due to individuals who use pages torn from the hymnal as bookmarks. Please try to refrain from this practice, as the hymnals are expensive.