Locally, the Oyster Festival in town this weekend tells us that summer is quickly coming to a close. School begins in earnest in less than two weeks. As we begin a new year at Saint Mary School, your parish school, we begin with the largest enrollment in seven years, and many new additions to our staff. None of this would be possible without the continued support of so many of you in our parish. We thank you for your continued support, and ask for your continued prayers for our school and all who benefit from our school’s ministry.

We are still looking for a few teachers to assist with Religious Education. If you have previously taught, or would like to begin, we will provide you with materials and training before the school year for Religious Education begins in October. If you check the parish website, you can find the Religious Education section, and all the class times and schedules are there. You can contact Tori Saxer or Deacon John to sign up to teach.

Those being confirmed in October are scheduled for their retreat on September 16, beginning with 4:30 Mass. The retreat will conclude with the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation during a Penance Service. If you are entering grade 11, this is your year to be confirmed.

If you are an adult who is Baptized and made First Communion, but never have been confirmed, classes to prepare for Confirmation begin on September 10. Several have already signed up and there is room for more. This is a four-week program, meeting on four consecutive Monday evenings, that will prepare you to be confirmed at our parish Confirmation on October 27. Call and ask to speak with Deacon John, or email him to sign up.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the parish picnic on September 9, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM on the grounds of Saint Agnes. This is a great way to get together with fellow parishioners, enjoy good food and each other’s company. Hope to see many of you there.

May you be blessed with a great end to summer, and all good things to come.

