Fr. William Garrott, O.P. of the Dominican Friars will visit Precious Blood Parish during all Masses at St. Mary Church on the weekend of August 19-20 as part of this year’s archdiocesan mission appeal. Fr. Garrott invites all parishioners to become spiritual partners with the Dominican friars who serve in the mission in East Africa. There, the Dominican Friars are engaged in the work of evangelization and faith development in a poor and underserved region where the Faith is very new. Their mission depends on the support of the faithful here at home. Your generosity is appreciated
As summer rolls along, here are some things to call to your attention, and some summer thoughts. This week we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15. There will be two Masses at Saint Agnes on Tuesday, one at 9:00 AM and one at 12:10 PM. There will be four Masses at Saint Mary, one on Monday at 6:00 PM, the vigil of the Feast Day, and three on Tuesday; 7:00 and 9:00 AM and 12:00 noon. We hope you can take advantage of one of these times to worship with us on this Holy Day of obligation.
We will be looking to schedule a calendar meeting for all parish groups from both Churches during the last week in August. We need a representative from each parish group present at the meeting so a calendar of events for the year can be worked out, with as few conflicts as possible. We hope to be able to honor each group’s wishes and needs for their events. The meeting will be held Wednesday, August 30, at 7:00 PM, at Saint Agnes Church Hall, 400 Merwin Avenue. We will endeavor to contact each group individually so all are informed of the need to attend.
Just a note about the collection report that appears in the bulletin each week. The number reported is the total collection of the two Churches. The number appears at the bottom of the second column since that is where we have room for it in the bulletin, and reflects the total of the past weeks’ collection for the parish.
Here in Precious Blood Parish, as of this writing, we have had 26 funerals since July 1. It is heartening to see such support from you, our parishioners, for these families in their time of loss. We hope these grieving families continue to find comfort in our parish community, and we ask your prayers for all those affected by these recent deaths. Do not hesitate to contact any of the parish clergy if you need additional spiritual support or know someone who does.
As the summer winds down, and we all get in the last few beach days, my prayer for each of you is that God’s peace will find you; that His peace will touch your heart. May the warmth of the summer sun remind us all of the love of the Son for each of us.