

Saint Agnes Sock Hop

Sock Hop Tickets will go on sale starting Saturday February 1 and Sunday February 2 and Saturday February 8 and Sunday February 9 at both Saint Agnes and Saint Mary Churches. They will continue to be sold at the Saint Mary’s Rectory during the 2 weeks leading up to the Sock Hop.

Last day for ticket sales will be Wednesday February 12 and will NOT be sold at the door

The Snow Date will be on Friday February 21, 2020.

The Sock Hop committee will provide ice, water, coffee and…, as well as plates, utensils, cups and napkins.

Please feel free to bring your own drinks and food to the dance.

There will be a 50/50 Raffle and Door Prizes throughout the evening.

Parties of 8 or more are welcome to reserve a table. Please see a ticket seller to reserve a table.**You are more than welcome to save a table for under 8, but we ask that one person in your party arrive early to hold a table. Please see a ticket seller for any questions you may have.

If the Sock Hop is delayed due to weather or if the Snow Date of the event is cancelled, please check this website for those updates.

If the Snow Date of the event is cancelled we will refund all tickets by doing a ticket exchange after the masses on February 22 and February 23 at both Saint Agnes and Saint Mary’s Churches. Please bring your ticket(s) and we will refund your money for EACH ticket we receive.

The DJ will be playing songs of the late 50s and early 60s AND will be taking requests throughout the night for songs within the 1950s and 1960s.

Sock Hop Flyer - February 2020 copy.jpg

