On June 11, Precious Blood Parish Ladies Guild held their annual Installation Banquet to install the 2024/2025 slate of officers as follows:

President:  Martha DeFeo

Vice President:  Margaret Byrne

Treasurer:  Ann Carollo

Corresponding Secretary:  Joanne Nesdale

 Officers were installed by Past President, Pat Byrne, who also honored various members of the Ladies Guild for many years of exemplary service; Ellen Richetelli for 50 years of service, along with Diane Candido and Janet Montalbano. Past President, Pam Amendola, handed off the Ladies Guild gavel to incoming President, Martha DeFeo. The Ladies Guild would also like to extend their sincere thanks to Dave Amendola and Tony Candido for all their efforts over the years facilitating events. For Membership Information please contact Carol Kane, Membership Chairperson, carolkane222@gmail.com.


The ladies guild has a threefold purpose:

  1. Spiritual

  2. Social

  3. Charitable


The Executive Board consists of:

  1. President

  2. Vice President

  3. Recording Secretary

  4. Treasurer

  5. Nominating Committee Chairperson


  • Officers are elected for a term of one (1) year.

  • No member of the Executive Board may serve in the same office for more than four (4) consecutive years, of which not more than two (2) may be in the same office or chair, with the exception of the Treasurer who will serve for 2 years.

  • No member may hold more than one office at a time.


The affairs of the Guild are conducted by the Board of Directors acting with the Guild's spiritual advisor. The Board Directors consist of:

  1. The elected offices of the Guild

  2. Chairpersons of Standing Committees


Executive Board Meetings:  1st Tuesday of every month
General Meetings:  2nd Tuesday of every month

All meeting alternate between Saint Agnes and Saint Mary churches. No meeting are held January, February, July and August.


Each year the Ladies Guild hosts social events such as the installation dinner, welcome dinner, and Christmas party, along with fundraisers such as the auction, Christmas lawn angels, and palm crosses. Monies raised form these events are used to help the church and school in their respective missions and support community organizations.


All women are cordially invited to become of members.

Dues: $5.00 per year